Textile materials

Finnish Textile & Fashion's conventional fibers Textile fiber guide (only in Finnish)


An overview of cellulosic modified fibers (only in Finnish), Marja Rissanen, TAMK
Developing an ecosystem of sustainable and smart textiles (only in Finnish). Varheenmaa M., Hännikäinen, J., Kostia, S. 2023. 

Links and studies related to phase change materials

– Phase change materials handbook
– Application of piezoelectrics to smart structures
– Phase Change Material
– Phase change materials: overview
– Impact-Resistant Materials and Their Potential
– Development of thermoregulating textile materials with microencapsulated Phase Change Materials (PGM). IV. Performance properties and hand of fabrics treated with PCM microcapsules
– Flexible and Electroactive Textile Actuator Enabled by PEDOT:PSS/MOF-Derivative Electrode Ink
– Numerical study of shear thickening fluid with distinct particles dispersed in carrier fluid
– Functional Fibers and Fabrics for Soft Robotics, Wearables, and Human–Robot Interface
– Experimental Investigations on the Cooling of a Motorcycle Helmet with Phase Change Material
– Moisture-responsive Fabrics Based on the Hygro Deformation of Yarns
– Dependences of Rheological and Compression Mechanical Properties on Cellular Structures for Impact-Protective Materials
– A Critical Review of Impact Resistant Materials Used in Sportswear Clothing
– Knitting and weaving artificial muscles
– Phase Change Materials for Textile Application
– Phase change materials for smart textiles – An overview
– Effects of Pressure-Induced Density Changes in the Thermal Energy Absorbed by a Micro-Encapsulated Phase-Change Material 
– Human Body Heat for Powering Wearable Devices: From Thermal Energy to Application 
– New Exosuit Fabric Could Boost Mobility in People with Disabilities
– Progress in the Applications of Smart Piezoelectric Materials for Medical Devices
– Studying a Flexible Polyurethane Elastomer with Improved Impact-Resistant Performance
– Reactive Protection Technology
– Shear Stiffening Gels for Intelligent Anti-impact Applications 
– Shear thickening fluids and their applications
– Soft Actuator Materials for Electrically Driven Haptic Interfaces
– An Assistive Soft Wrist Exosuit for Flexion Movements With an Ergonomic Reinforced Glove
– Programmable soft robotics based on nano-textured thermo-responsive actuators
– Stimuli-responsive polymers and their applications
– Wearable Actuators: An Overview
– Actuating Textiles: Next Generation of Smart Textiles
– WITHDRAWN: An overview of stimuli-responsive polymers for smart textile applications
– Energy-absorbing plastics
– Materials and Technology for Sportswear and Performance Apparel
– A novel impact hardening polymer with negative Poisson’s ratio for impact protection
– Application of Ultra Smart Textiles in Sports Wear and Garments