Future Wearables Lab is a virtual meeting place for
companies and others who manufacture or are interested in
manufacturing products
or services related to smart clothing.
On this platform, you can find information about various
projects that have been done in cooperation with companies
working in the field.
Future Wearables Lab is a virtual meeting place for
companies and others who manufacture or are interested
in manufacturing products or services related to smart clothing.
On this platform, you can find information about various
projects that have been done in cooperation with
companies working in the field.
What if we could share digital high fives with a
remote team?
Spirits Ludi is a wearable smart sleeve, which allows
players in an e-sports team to send each other remote
high fives in the form of physical vibrations creating
a better team spirit.

What if an e-sports team could breath in synchronized
Ripple is a wearable smart sleeve, which aids players in
an e-sports team to follow an optimized breathing
rhythm to allow for better teamwork and calmness.

This project is part of the “From intelligence to new
sustainable design, fashion, competence and business”
-project. Where the aim was to bring Tavastia proper’s
local enterprises modern digital solutions in order for
them to develop their businesses.

This project is part of the “From intelligence to new
sustainable design, fashion, competence and business”
-project. Where the aim was to bring Tavastia proper’s
local enterprises modern digital solutions in order for
them to develop their businesses.

This project is part of the “From intelligence to new sustainable design, fashion, competence and business” -project. Where the aim was to bring Tavastia proper’s local enterprises modern digital solutions in order for them to develop their businesses.
Alustan sisällöntuotannosta ja ylläpidosta vastaa HAMKin
“Älykkyydestä uutta vastuullista muotoilua, muotia, osaamista ja liiketoimintaa” -hanke.
Tämä alusta on kehitetty
“Puettavan älykkyyden osaamisen kehittäminen” (10/2020-5/2023) ja
“Pirkanmaan kestävien ja älykkäiden tekstiilien osaamis- ja innovaatioekosysteemi” (9/2021-8/2023) -hankkeissa.
Molemmat hankkeet olivat Euroopan aluekehitysrahaston (EAKR) rahoittamia hankkeita.
Jälkimmäinen hanke rahoitettiin REACT-EU-välineen määrärahoista osana Euroopan unionin COVID-19-pandemian johdosta toteuttamia toimia.